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Thursday, April 25, 2013Posted by Yann

Golf & Injuries: what are the risks?


Like any other sport, practicing golf is a favorable physical-activity for the wellbeing, but it's practice can be connected with specific injuries. In the case of golf, these pathologies are primarily related to joints. Mainly, the articulations, the tendons and the muscles.

Common Injuries in Golf practise

These injuries are generally related to either inadequate gestures, insufficient heating, or even excessive practice. Golf injuries are primarily related to professional excessive practice. They could also be related to technical weaknesses among amateurs or even inadequate equipment.

Common wounds include lumbar rachis compression, slope or shearing or wound of the shoulder among non advanced players. Wrist and elbow injuries are also common and have to be monitored. One pathology, glof players share with Tennis players is “tennis elbow”, sometimes called “golf-elbow”.

The most common origin of the injuries is found during training and practice. Defective swing technique involve a mechanical wrong motion, in particular around the lumbar rachis and hand,  causing pain.  Overtraining may also give birth to a significant number of wounds, especially among professional Golf players.
Besides the injuries in the lumbar rachis area, poor striking motion technique can also affect the shoulder leading to tendinopathy of the rotators cap and in some cases arthropathy of the clavicle.

Another risk when striking is missing the ball and hit the ground. A large number of lesions  are related to ligaments and muscular structures. However, some fractures can also result from body motion.

How to avoid Golf practice pitfalls?

It is important to emphasize that that the amateurs Golf players must strive to improve good posture one in order to decrease the risk of potential injuries. The majority of injuries being located either around the shoulder, the spinal column, the wrist or the elbow.

Practicing  Golf requires emphasizing food intake quality rather than quantity. Golf practise with regards to neurosensory (for instance vigilance and concentration) bring significant essential amino-acids requirements. Within the competition timeframe it is necessary to take into account the ration of recovery which is intended to restore your energy spent.

In case you suffer from a wound or a discomfort at the time of practise, do not hesitate to consult a doctor. Medical specialist are able to evaluate your problem and to prescribe relevant treatments.